Fear Factor:Sushi

I was never a fan of sushi. There’s something uncomfortable about. The thought that i’m eating raw fish gives me the creeps. I’ve always wondered how the sushi loving people do it,considering the plethora of sushi places all over the world. My sister for one, loves it. She also didn’t eat it before but since meeting her hubby, she has become a successful “convert”. She and her hubby would often convince me to try it and see for myself, to not just gag at first bite and let the taste linger in my mouth. And since i made a resolution this year to step outside my comfort zone and try new things, I decided, why the heck not?

So last sunday, my sis and bro-in-law took it upon themselves to make me conquer my fear for sushi. With unnecessary coaching on their part, they’ve instructed me to just enjoy the texture, savor the flavor and use as much wasabi as i want to (Thank God!), After heeding all the advice, i’m happy to report that I’ve conquered my fear of sushi. Albeit,it would take sometime to get use to it and appreciate it more. I’m just glad that I did try it and that I’m no longer stuck with the california or spider roll. It’s really not that bad, not bad at all.

This is me not gagging.Applause please.

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